Current Affairs

Progress Toward the UN's Goal of Education for All Has Stopped

A new report from UNESCO reveals that slow progress on achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of education for all, combined with socio-economic pressures and the mass exclusion of girls from education in Afghanistan, has widened the global educational gap. The report states that there are now 250 million children not enrolled in school, an increase of six million since 2021. The report emphasizes the urgent need for action to protect the future of millions of children worldwide.

How does the report evaluate the UN's Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of achieving universal education?

The study evaluates development toward SDG 4, which prioritizes high-quality education for all. To do this, it emphasizes the necessity of large enrollment growth and teacher preparation.

What steps are necessary, in UNESCO's opinion, to achieve the SDG 4 targets?

Until 2030, 1.4 million children must be enrolled in preschool, and the percentage of students who finish primary school must nearly triple. In order to deliver high-quality education, at least 58 million more children, adolescents, and youth must be enrolled in school. Additionally, 1.7 million additional primary school teachers must receive training.

According to the research, how has the COVID-19 epidemic affected schooling around the world?

The COVID-19 pandemic, according to the research, significantly disrupted schooling and caused a 10% decline in adult involvement in formal and non-formal education in 57, primarily high-income nations. The pandemic brought to light the difficulties of preserving access to education in times of emergency.

According to UNESCO, which nation leads the way in terms of learning advancement among low- and lower-middle-income nations?

According to the research, Vietnam is the only nation where the majority of kids attained minimum competency in both reading and mathematics among low- and lower-middle-income nations that track learning progress at the end of primary school.





Progress Toward the UN's Goal of Education for All Has Stopped