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Personal Knowledge: Puzzles, Arguments and Insights

Personal Knowledge: Puzzles, Arguments and Insights


Reasoning Skills is an important skill that is the ability to think logically, analyze data sheets and solve difficult problems. In many competitive exams, job interviews and daily life situations, people are faced with logical questions that test their abilities and reasoning skills. In this blog, we will explore various aspects of cognitive thinking, including challenges, planning and reasoning, providing insights, ideas and exercises to improve your thinking skills.

Intellectual understanding

1. Meaning of reasoning

Reasoning is the mental process of reasoning, making decisions, and forming words to make judgments based on available information, evidence, and principles. It includes critical thinking, deductive and inductive reasoning, pattern recognition, and problem-solving skills.

2. The Importance of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is essential for making informed decisions, evaluating arguments, recognizing patterns, and solving problems in many areas, including education, business, and daily life. Strong critical thinking skills enable people to analyze complex situations, predict outcomes, and respond to problems effectively.

Depending on the cause

  1. Puzzles

Puzzles are brain challenges that require critical thinking and creative problem solving to find solutions. They come in many forms that encourage mental agility and intellectual flexibility, including sudoku, crosswords, riddles, and math puzzles.


2. Seating Arrangement

Seating involves the arrangement of persons or objects in an order or configuration according to conditions or constraints. They test spatial perception, visual perception, and organizational skills and require analysis and deduction to determine the best sitting position.

3. Logical Reasoning

Logical reasoning questions test the ability to evaluate arguments, analyze hypotheses, draw conclusions, and evaluate the validity of conclusions. They include reasoning, syllogisms, logical reasoning, and critical thinking designed to measure intelligence and judgment.

Ideas on how to improve

1. Understanding the guidelines

Read the guidelines carefully and understand the rules, conditions, and limitations contained in the emotional guidelines. Pay close attention to the concepts, terms, and key phrases that guide the problem-solving process.

2. Analyze the data provided

Systematically analyze the data and identify facts, themes, and patterns to help you develop a strategy to solve the problem. Break complex problems into smaller, more manageable pieces for analysis and decision making.

3. Use cutoff point to make decisions

Use cutoff points and desired points to make decisions, eliminate wrong options and narrow the range of possibilities. Use techniques such as elimination, conflict, and reflection to arrive at solutions.

4. Regular practice

Practice various exercises, challenges and problem solving in sitting position to improve your analytical skills and improve problem solving. Regular practice increases awareness of different problems, improves mental stability and increases confidence in tackling difficult tasks.

How can you do this?

1. Sudoku Puzzles

Solve Sudoku puzzles of various difficulty levels to improve logical thinking, pattern recognition and problem-solving skills. To gain skill, start with easier challenges and gradually work your way up to harder challenges.

2. Seat problems

Exercises to solve seat installation problems with different scenarios such as seat installation as a matrix, bucket seat and side seat installation. Create strategies to find the right place to sit and offer the best solutions given the situation.

3. Reasoning Questions

To improve critical thinking and critical thinking, try logical questions covering topics such as comparison, sequence completion, encoding and decoding, kinship and sense of direction. Analyze argument patterns, identify misconceptions, and evaluate the validity of conclusions.


In summary, creativity is an important skill that supports good decision making, problem solving and critical thinking. Think Differently. By improving your thinking skills through practice, analysis, and critical thinking, you can improve your thinking, evaluation, and problem-solving skills.

Enjoy the challenge of solving competitive problems, seat scheduling, and problem solving as an opportunity for intellectual growth and professional development. Be proactive, use your judgment, and practice regularly to develop confidence and ability to judge.

As you begin your journey to mastery, remember that consistency, patience, and the willingness to learn from your mistakes are important elements for success. Treat each exercise as a learning opportunity and solve problems with curiosity, creativity, and confidence. Through dedication and hard work, you can improve your thinking skills and unlock your full potential, solving difficult problems clearly and concisely. 


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